, bank

美 [bæŋk]英 [bæŋk]
  • n.银行;岸;库;河畔
  • v.存款;把(钱)存入银行;(转弯时)倾斜飞行;堆积(某物)
  • 网络河岸;堤;组

复数:banks 现在分词:banking 过去式:banked

, bank, bank

, bank

n. v.

金钱for money

1.银行an organization that provides various financial services, for example keeping or lending money

收集╱贮存物sth collected/stored

3.库存;库an amount of sth that is collected; a place where sth is stored ready for use

河;水道of river/canal

4.岸;河畔the side of a river, canal , etc. and the land near it


5.斜坡;垄;埂a raised area of ground that slopes at the sides, often at the edge of sth or dividing sth

云、雪等of cloud/snow, etc.

7.(尤指风吹到一起的)积云,积雪a mass of cloud, snow, etc., especially one formed by the wind

机器等of machines, etc.

8.一排,一系列(同类物品,尤指机器)a row or series of similar objects, especially machines


not break the bank

花费不太大;支付得起if you say sthwon't break the bank , you mean that it won't cost a lot of money, or more than you can afford


七年级英语单词表 ... restaurant 餐馆;饭店 bank 银行 supermarket 超级市场 ...

字典中 干 字的解释 ... (2) 同本义[ shield] (4) ;水畔[ bank] (1) 扞卫[ defend;guard] ...


新概念英语单词表带音标(第一册) - 豆丁网 ... along 沿着 bank 河岸 water 水 ...

专升本英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... banana 香蕉 bank 银行,库存2.岸, barber 理发师 ...

,波形资料 (BANK) 同步信号 源 (SYNC on/off),兹分别说明如下:3.5.1. 频率:如 1.1.3 之说明, 3250 系列於 CC 模式下 …

(Bank),每个Bank的接口标准由其接口电压VCCO决定,一个 Bank只能有一种VCCO,但丌同Bank的VCCO可以丌同。只有相 …


大学英语四、六级单词、词组 - 豆丁网 ... bang vi. 猛敲,猛撞 bank n. 银行,库;堤,岸 bankrupt a. 破产的 ...


开发杂谈_iOS coredata 多表查询_软件世界网 ... 4、工资等级表: salary 5、开户银行bank 1、部门表: department ...
